Author: Jeff Mitchell

  • Did Jesus Exist?

    Did Jesus Exist?

    After being a Christian for 30 years, I finally grew strong enough to ask and research the question of whether Jesus was real or not. My research is documented in my book Jesus Demigod, but I felt that I needed to summarize my conclusions here. As this is a summary, I want to keep this page… Read more

  • Christianity is Pro-Roman

    Christianity is Pro-Roman

    Christians are in denial about the origin of their own scriptures. They want to believe the Christian Bible was written by uneducated Hebrew fishermen who were divinely inspired by God, but all the evidence suggests their Scriptures were written by anonymous, educated, Greek philosophers, and authority figures. On this page, I will list overwhelming Biblical… Read more

  • Is there a God?

    Is there a God?

    Is there a God? I am never satisfied with the answer, “I don’t know.” This is why I do not identify with the term agnostic, because to me, that is the same as saying, I don’t know, and that gets us nowhere. Everyone is technically agnostic about God, because no one knows for sure, but… Read more