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HOLMES004 – What Exactly is the “Official” Story vs a “Conspiracy Theory”?
Conspiracy theories are born whenever significant facts in a case or event do not match the facts being presented by “official” sources. When a simple internet search can be performed by the average Joe that PROVES that what ACTUALLY happened is different than what was reported by “officials,” you have the breeding ground for a new theory of how things REALLY happened. When you find “officials” repeatedly reporting false information that has been proven to be untrue, you start to have a conspiracy of sorts against the public to hide the truth and push their own false version of the events. When you can find an ulterior motive for hiding the truth and pushing a false narrative, you have a “conspiracy theory”.
Now, a conspiracy theory is just that. A theory. As anyone who has a bit of scientific background knows, a theory is not a law. A theory may be proven true or it may be proven false, but coming up with a theory and testing it is the basis of scientific inquiry. There is nothing wrong with making a theory and then testing your hypothesis to see if the theory holds true. We do it all the time in the scientific field. And yet, when these same principles are applied to social events (i.e. news stories) people tend to freak out about “crazy conspiracy theories”.
What fueled the conspiracy theory community in the early months after the shooting on July 20, 2012 in Aurora, Colorado was the fact that the “official” story was repeatedly changed and did not match the publicly available police and fire audio recordings from that night, nor many of the eyewitness testimonies of those who were actually there and saw what happened in the theater for themselves. These audios and interviews, to the best of my knowledge, are still readily available today on YouTube for the entire world to hear and see for themselves and will be reviewed in great detail in this blog. Reference to the “official” story and how it does not match up with the actual facts in the case will be brought up throughout this blog as well.
So what exactly IS the ‘official story’ anyway? Who is to say what one person says is part of the “official” story and what another person says is NOT part of the official story? That’s a fair question. In regards to this event, the “official” story is the version of the events as told by “officials” in the case. Sometimes the “official” may be the Chief of Police, the Captain of the Fire Department, the Mayor of the city where an event happened, the lead FBI Special Agent in Charge of the investigation, the court appointed media attorney, the judge overseeing the case, the public defender, the prosecutor, or even the local news anchor on a local news affiliate who says, “A law enforcement insider tells us….” In other words, the “official” story therefore is the one “officials” (police, fire, law enforcement agencies, news agencies, etc) have stated in a public forum (i.e. radio, television, print, etc) when reporting that story to the masses.
The problem with the “official story”, however, is that it very often changes, sometimes even moment by moment. What was the “official story” in the first 72 hours is seldom the “official story” a month later. As facts leak out to the public and officials are caught stating something in error or intentionally reporting something that is false (some might call that lying), the official story will then change and a new “official story” will emerge. Only diligent researchers or those paying careful attention will pick up on the subtleties of how an “official” story evolves over time.
To be perfectly fair, in many cases the official story can even be expected to change and is perfectly harmless. During a tragic event like the shooting in Aurora, Colorado, for example, information is coming in fast and furious and the public is eager to hear something…anything…even if it might not be 100% accurate. In an effort to “break the story” or not be caught as the only news station in America not covering the biggest story in the news that day, journalists sometimes rush to print (or broadcast) with facts that have not been fully vetted. Therefore, it might be prudent to cut “officials” some slack in misstating the facts or reporting false information in the early hours of a new crisis or event. But sometimes, just sometimes, the errors are more than just minor details like whether there were 57 or 58 people actually wounded in a shooting. Sometimes the errors are egregious, even flat out lies, and when that happens, you have a firm basis for the start of a conspiracy theory. The shootings in Aurora, Colorado on July 20th, 2012 is a perfect example of a case where flat out lies were told (and continue to be told) in the official narrative. This raises major red flags for online researchers who want to know what REALLY happened and more importantly, why “officials” are lying about it.
What you are about to read in this blog, therefore, is both the “official story” of the events leading up to and directly following the tragic shooting events in 2012 as told by “officials’ (i.e. law enforcement, local and national news authorities, court reporters, etc) in the hours, days, and months directly following the events, as well as the UNOFFICIAL story that has come out since then proving the original “official” story to be a lie.
As much as possible, this blog is presented in chronological order starting with a full, minute by minute analysis of over two hours of police and fire audio as well as hundreds of hours of eyewitness testimony in the shooting event on the early morning of July 20th, 2012 and leading up to the present day. Once the shooting has been covered in great detail however, it will be imperative to jump back in time a bit to cover the events the official story tells us happened in the months and years leading up to the event as those details began to emerge. In particular, key events before and after the shooting will be brought to light in this blog suggesting a conspiracy to mislead the public about what really happened and why.
While this blog is attempting to be written in chronological order as often as possible, always keep in mind that the facts of the case did not come out in chronological order. For example, while the narrative about James Holmes might start early on regarding his father, his family, and his life prior to the shooting, that information about his family life did not come to light until well after the shooting and therefore has to be taken with a grain of salt. What comes out AFTER an event usually is tailored to support the narrative that has already been established and ignore anything that counters the official narrative.
Lastly, while the conspiracy theory portion of this blog rests on the assumption that there almost certainly had to be members within local and federal law enforcement involved with the conspiracy and cover-up of the facts in the case, it should be pointed out that under no circumstances is it believed all law enforcement or the entire government is in on the conspiracy. Critical analysis of the police and fire audio channels in this shooting (as well as many others) will reveal the actions of many local police and fire who should be commended for their bravery and composure and who obviously have no idea of any secret covert operation being conducted right under their noses (if that’s what happened like this blog will present). A conspiracy such as this only needs a small handful of bad actors to pull it off and my analysis of these events will focus on those key individuals who would likely need to be controlling the majority of false information in this conspiracy theory.
Lastly, I want to make one more point before we start getting into the gritty details. I believe people should have the right to ask questions and “officials” should not be afraid of answering honest questions. No family members of victims were contacted by me during my research. I did not hound or harass anyone. Many times “officials” will try to discredit legitimate conspiracy theorists by lumping us in with a small handful of disrespectful individuals who will call a victims family member and accuse them of being part of the cover up. I NEVER did anything remotely like this. All of the information presented in my blog…the questions, the facts, the eye witness testimony, the audio transcripts, etc are all publicly available information that is available without harassing anyone.
With that out of the way, we’ll begin next with the analysis of the shooting minute by minute as compiled from police, fire and eye-witness testimony in the hours immediately following the shooting. I hope you’ll learn something new.