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Is there a God?
Is there a God? I am never satisfied with the answer, “I don’t know.” This is why I do not identify with the term agnostic, because to me, that is the same as saying, I don’t know, and that gets us nowhere. Everyone is technically agnostic about God, because no one knows for sure, but some people believe in God(s) (Theists), while others do not believe in God(s) (Atheists). In fact, most Theists are atheistic about the gods that other people believe in, because they only believe in their version of God. Identifying as an Atheist does not require the person to take the position that he/she knows there is no God, that would be more accurately called Anti-theist. Atheism is the lack of belief in gods. So what is a God? For the sake of communication, on this page, when I refer to “God” I am referring to an intelligent, all-powerful, supernatural being who created the universe, who exists outside of his creation independently and eternally. God doesn’t have to be a male, but traditionally the High God has been considered to be a male. For you females, you shouldn’t be offended by that because there has never been a male God who is worthy of worship, so females don’t have to take the blame for all the failures of the male High Gods. For me, if your definition of God is an unknowable and unidentifiable energy force, like the force in Star Wars, then that is not a God to me. It has to be a person with supernatural powers and not just a nebulous energy force. If there is an unknown energy force that drives life to exist, that could simply be a scientific process that we just don’t understand yet. A God cannot be a scientific process. A God has to defy science and live outside of the rules of nature.
With this in mind, I would take the position that there is no God. There very well could be some unknown scientific process that drives the existence of life, but that is not what I am calling “God.” I cannot prove there is no God, but I can prove that the Bible (and the Quran) are the products of human efforts and not the products of Divine intervention. This whole website is devoted to pointing out the evidence for deceptive human origins of the Bible, and all the same reasonings used against the Bible also disproves the validity of the Quran. These “holy books” claim that God actually spoke to different people in the past to inform them of his expectations and rules for life, as well as the rewards and punishments that come after this life is over. We can know for certain that this never happened, because the claims that these people made on behalf of God can be disproven. We can simplify this problem by narrowing the options down to two possibilities. If these people did hear directly from the almighty God of the universe, then their claims should be proven true, but if their claims can be falsifiable, then we can discredit the sources as frauds. Those who claim that the Bible is 100% true and divinely inspired and preserved by the almighty God actually make it easy to discredit them, because all it takes is one contradiction to bring the whole house down.
On my personal website, I have a whole section devoted to contradictions, but I will make my case on this page as well. One of my favorite examples to show that Moses (or more accurately, whoever wrote about Moses) was a liar comes from Exodus 32, when Moses receives the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. In verses 8 through 10, God tells Moses to go down and kill all the Israelites because they have turned away from God’s command not to worship idols, but they didn’t even receive the command not to worship idols yet. The Israelites wanted to worship whichever God parted the Red Sea so they could escape the Egyptians, but God had not revealed himself to them yet. Is God so fickle, that he would rather kill people than tell them who he is? God was supposedly speaking directly to Moses in private, both before and after the exodus. So it is a major problem that God wants to kill the Israelites because they were confused about who the real God was who saved them, yet God had not told them who he was, nor did he give them the command yet not to worship idols. Next, Moses actually demonstrates better logical reasoning skills than God by changing God’s mind about killing the Israelites. Moses asks God not to kill them because the Egyptians would mock them for escaping slavery only to die in the wilderness. Moses reminds God of his promises that he made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in verse 13 (as if God forgot). In verse 20, Moses burns the golden calf in the fire, grinds it into powder, scattered it in the water, and made the Israelites drink it. In verse 25, Moses sees that the Israelites had become a laughing stock to their enemies because of the victory party they were all having around the golden calf, but who were the enemies that were laughing? The Egyptian enemies were all killed by the Red Sea and they had no other enemies in the wilderness. In verse 26, the Levites rally to Moses, then in verse 27 Moses says that God commanded that they strap on their swords and go and forth through the camp from one end to the other and kill their brothers, friends, and neighbors. What happened to that command on the stone tablets that said, “thou shalt not kill?” In verse 28, we have another problem. It says in that day 3,000 people were killed, but if they went throughout the camp and killed everyone, as they were commanded to do, then where were the rest of the million or so people that were supposed to be there? Verse 29 presents another logical dilemma. Moses says God has blessed all the Levites, because they killed their sons and brothers, but verse 26 says ALL the Levites rallied to Moses. If all the Levites rallied to Moses, then why were the Levites killing their sons and brothers? It makes no sense. And why would God bless the Levites for murdering their families, after God gave the command not to murder? In verse 30, Moses wants to make atonement for their sins, so I guess we are to assume that the Levites could only kill 3,000 people in one day, but the rest of the people were allowed to live. In verse 32, Moses tries to put himself in the place of the sinners for atonement, but God says in verse 33, whoever has sinned against me, I will blot them out of my book. This ties in with my study of Substitutionary Atonement. To kill or not to kill, that is the question. If you can’t see the contradictions and illogical responses from God in this story, then you are just incapable of rational thought. If someone hears directly from God, why is their story so ridiculous?
Now, let’s talk about some inconsistencies or failures from the Jesus story. Let me remind you of the main purpose here. If God speaks through these people who claimed to have a unique relationship with God, then there should be evidence to support their claims, but in reality, their claims can be easily debunked. This is proof that neither Jesus nor Moses are reliable witnesses for God. In the case of Jesus, we have several promises that he made in the Bible that are verifiably false. I typically cite four false promises, but the list is endless. These are my top four false claims by Jesus. 1. Jesus didn’t return to judge everyone according to their words before his Apostles died, as he promised in Matthew 16:27-28. 2. Believers cannot pray for anything in the name of Jesus and receive it as Jesus promised in John 14:12-14. 3. Jesus did not send the Holy Spirit to guide the believers into all truth, as he promised in John 16:13. 4. Jesus didn’t give his Apostles power over all their enemies so nothing would harm them, as he promised in Luke 10:19. Another problem with the Jesus story is that he was supposed to be sinless, but in Matthew 8:3, Jesus touched a man with leprosy in order to heal him, but touching a man with leprosy is a sin according to Leviticus 5:3. One final beloved example that proves Jesus is an unreliable witness for God is when he said you must hate your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters to be his disciple. This is another sin that Jesus committed and it is an example of blatant hypocrisy, because Jesus said in Matthew 15:4 says anyone who curses father or mother should be put to death. Jesus’ command to hate your father and mother would certainly qualify as a violation of God’s command to honor your father and mother. I have to tack on another lie from Jesus, just for good measure. In Matthew 5:22, Jesus said whoever calls someone else a fool (moros) will be in danger of hell fire. After Jesus said it was a sin to call someone a “moros” he proceeded to call the Jews blind fools (moros) in Matthew 23:17. So Jesus condemned himself several times, but people just wont’ admit the truth, because they want to believe Jesus was perfect. Anyone who tells me to hate my kids, is obviously an unreliable witness to truth. Let me conclude my point with the shocking revelation that even the Bible calls Jesus a liar. In 1 John 4:20, it says whoever claims to love God yet hates (miseo) a brother or sister is a LIAR. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. This Greek word “miseo” is the same word Jesus used to command that you hate your father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters. There is no escape from the hypocrisy, sin, and lies of Jesus. Your only recourse is to deny the truth for the sake of defending lies.
Now that I have destroyed the character of Moses and Jesus, we can know that not even the two primary witnesses for the God of the Bible are reliable or trustworthy. The only legitimate conclusion is that the Bible cannot be trusted and the Bible is the primary testimony for God. In reality, we do not see God or hear God or even see the results of an invisible God who demonstrates love to those who believe in him. In reality, we see a world full of corruption and lies, with no help from any supernatural being. If you want to believe in a God, your only rational conclusion would be in a God of lies and chaos. I cannot defeat any arguments for a God of lies and chaos. There is overwhelming support of that kind of God, but this page most definitely disproves the existence of an all powerful, loving, father-figure type God. No loving father could watch all the pain and suffering and abuse and corruption in this world and allow innocent people to suffer. Thanks for reading, share your comments below.
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